El secretario de Culto de la Nación y el director Nacional de Agenda Política de la Jefatura de Gabinete visitaron la parroquia Santa Inés y una Feria de Economía Popular.
and he has captains in all 100 counties in iowa and a message that resonate with the caucus-goers who are evangelical. politics is kind of playing out as one would have predicted, that those who are evangelicals are going to respond to a carson and cruz and not necessarily a trump. so trump is boasting his claims up until now, are now questioned by reality, whether or not he responds, we will see. but trump s numbers are still strong in iowa, have actually gotten stronger since the last des moines register poll. is this more of a cruz v trump story or a cruz v carson story? i think it s what do the voters want kind of story. when you dig down into the poll, what you see is ted cruz isn t just more popular. it s not just sort of a surface appeal. when you dig down into it, what it says is that he seems to have the right temperament for the job far and away higher than trump, that he seems to be more