not a great papal candidate, he is not a sexy candidate. sexy meaning let me translate what sexy means. please. cardinal o malley in his habit, franciscan poverty, he sees something totally different from what the norm is. cardinal dolan, brash, slapping you on the back, the big image when he enters the room. it s a different persona. cardinal worl is very retie sant, kind, humble, quiet, not a great speaker. just not as effervescent perhaps. i think that s why he doesn t get the same attention as the other two do. we do know this if you re going to have this pope send one message to the world, if that message is i came out against the sex abuse scandal and going to change things before you start hearing it spread to other continents can t think of a better message than that. that would be a tremendous message. chris cuomo, father beck, thanks to you. i should tell you right now we are watching the sistine chapel chimney.