of whether this works. or doesn t, particularly as this is more like a conductor bringing together an orchestra with different parts trying to get one - orchestra. one tune out of it. so, it s good news, this looks like it is going to be better. than perhaps people thought. that s a really good question, chris, because i m turning my thoughts to what it is going to be like at the end of next week when the 13, 1a days of negotiations end, and you talk to the negotiators and you say what will you be discussing for the last week, and they say things like, you know that 100 billion promised from rich countries to poorer countries to help them with the transition to green? that s meant to run out in 2025. we need to start talking about what will the process be for deciding what the next round of funding is going to be for the next five years. we need to look at article six in the paris agreement where we work out what are the legalities of the carbon