Taken directly from The Vindicator:
At an early hour Sunday morning, the Car Works Hotel at Mosier (Road), owned by Mrs. Margaret McCannon, was completely destroyed by fire. The building was a large one, comparatively new, and made a great blaze. Two daughters of Mrs. McCannon, who were sleeping in a room near where the fire originated, had a narrow escape from being suffocated, or burned to death, and so badly frightened was one of the young ladies that she has been seriously ill ever since.
It was about 1:30 o’clock Sunday morning when one of the boarders at the hotel was awakened and smelling smoke, started to investigate. Finding the building to be on fire, he awakened most of the occupants and went to the room occupied by the girls, and found it necessary to smash in the door before he could make them realize the danger that surrounded them. Meanwhile a bucket brigade had been formed by the guests at the hotel and the railroad men from the Erie yard nearby, and an alarm was