But we begin with the 2 winners of the Nobel Prize For Literature One for 2018 and 1. 00 for this year as well this is because it was awarded last year due to a scandal within the rather secretive Nobel Prize Committee so the committee has promised to be more open in the future and also less eurocentric however both winners this year are from europe the polish off the hook for 2018 and this is one of the austrian author paid to handcuff. Born in 1942 austrian writer pay to hunt has been a perennial favorite for the nobel prize the Swedish Academy with typical literary floras credit him with creating an influential work that with linguistic ingenuity has explored the periphery and the specificity of Human Experience among his best known novels is the goalies anxiety at the penalty kick from 1970 which was turned
to a film by german Director Venders hunt go with vendors also cowrote the script to german film classic wings of desire. But hunka is a controversial choice he supported serbia
cultural transitions. before becoming a writer for car truck worked as a therapist for challenge. director of nascar hall and adapted to car trips novel drive your plow into the phones of the dead for the screen the film won a silver bear at the berlin film festival in 2017. the literature nobel prize was not awarded last year due to a. series of scandals involving this man john clode. the husband of one of the swedish academy members are know was accused of sexual assault and is currently serving a 2 year prison sentence for rape. he was also accused of misuse of academy funds and of using his insider knowledge to bet on former prize winners.