Discover how to get back a repossessed car, and learn the step-by-step process to get behind the wheel again after the repo man comes and takes it away.
that has been one thing that s constantly gave me anxiety. the sleeplessness. it s a lot. reporter: one date, september 5th, will change the lives of these americans, and 7.5 million more. federal pandemic unemployment benefits, which helped many survive in unprecedented economic crisis, are ending. for gustavo maria, the timing couldn t be worse. my daughter is a couple weeks from being born. reporter: in the last year, maria says he lost two jobs, broke a bone in his leg, and saw the family car repossessed, and in less than two weeks he will lose all unemployment benefits. my inner voice is me yelling and screaming trying to, like, be like what am i going to do? reporter: it s a question millions of americans will have to answer. for maria, his injury makes his previous $15 an hour jobs