Jeep Wrangler Is a High-Profile Passenger in Crazy Off-Road Rescue Operation 4 May 2021, 11:37 UTC ·
by 11 photos
These days, the danger of getting genuinely isolated and having to walk for miles before reaching civilization, fending off coyotes and mountain lions in the process, are much lower thanks to the existence of marked trails and, just as importantly, mobile phones. Still, that doesn t mean the activity is completely peril-free, as this thrilling video will demonstrate in abundance.
The scenario is as follows: a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon JKU on what appears to be a set of 37s, not to mention other modifications that make even more off-road-worthy (bumper, winch, aftermarket fenders, lift kit) got stranded at the bottom (where else?) of the Hog Canyon trail in Utah. Not stuck, stranded, and that s because its engine went completely dead.