on the panel of four individuals, sam was there and caputo and it was quite a panel and the three of us said during your testimony the main topic of question of topic here was who roger stone roger stone do you believe the three of you, through your testimony, are what, if you will, tighten the noose for the indictment that came down this week. it may be but i will say what is in the indictment is accurate if called i will testify to what is there i won t differ one word from it. it is correct. now if that helps or hurts roger stone, let the chips fall where they may. when is the last time you heard from roger stone an e-mail or discussion? after i got subpoenaed on august 28th i made a point to have no further conversation with roger in any way. since then, jerome, you had more time to think clearly and we ve watched some of the headlines, the reporting come
i m going to go one more time with you and then i m going to have to tell the audience he s not answering the question. i d rather you did. that s why you did it then. made sense if they were diplomats. i m asking you now that you know. you don t know. now that you know, would you take a meeting with someone identified as russian intel. they were not identified at the time i had a conversation. if known. obviously if i knew they were doing some things behind the scenes, i never would have met with them but i didn t know that. right. mr. caputo. you have to be careful with everyone you meet. fbi came to me in late 2016, i had no idea he was working for the fbi you don t know who anybody is. i ll tell you, the end of the day, at the end of all of this, the thing i regret the most was
business, we don t have time for that profit the other day i was thinking sol in ski asked me so many times about trump tower moscow, it got to the point when he brought it up again within an hour what month? my voluntary in february of last year. in february what kind of questions were they asking about trump tower moscow. you know about trump tower moscow? you never heard about trump tower moscow? anything talked about russian business vis-a-vis trump, anything like that. i was irritated about things like that. i would tell you in my experience what they have asked me, they had reasons to ask me. they had a foundation and a reason and that s the job they are doing. mr. caputo. i had a difference experience. it s like three different people. we had negative view, more
national icon retweeting antisemitic tweet of a rapper with no consequences. so the american people say wow, what are the rules? the trump is porters are not supporters are not derided as stupid. but the new left wing mode is to say they stink. we saw that with peter strozk. mr. caputo from politico said they don t have any teeth. that is echoed by rick wilson. he called them garbage people, s-blank, f.b.i. remark. jim carey of all, the actor, compared the trump supporters to apes. that is along the metaphor that has a bad pedigree. what i m saying is anytime that somebody says we re progressive and enlightened and not racist, that sends human nature to be what it is, to give them a blank check to
disposable income. but rather than fixate on that or critique it, we get back to not only is trump a nazi, both of the clips, the speakers, called trump and supporters in the past nazi-like, but this is an attack on people. i thought that was the purpose of the politically correct movement. you don t stereotype an individual by demonizing an entire group. we got to remember this is not new, tucker. all wilson was doing is rechanneling, i think his name was caputo, a political reporter, three or four months ago, went to a rally to say one person had more teeth than everybody in the rally. you remember peter strozk sayingu he went to a southern virginia walmart and could smell the trump reporter. there is another f.b.i. person that said the trump reporters were p.o.s. pieces of blank. this is the underbelly of the deplorables, the irredeemable and clingers that obama and clinton used.