Whanganui letters: Council not giving away water assets - yet
15 Jan, 2021 04:00 PM
4 minutes to read
The Upokongaro Cycleway Bridge opened last month. Photo / file
Whanganui Chronicle
Water assets
Two former district councillors, Stephen Palmer and Murray Hughes, expressed their concerns (Chronicle, January 11) re the central government Three Waters Programme. Some wording in the reporting was misleading - but I can assure you that the Whanganui District Council has made no final commitment to either joining the scheme or passing over any assets.
Answers to your obvious questions are not forthcoming simply because Government has not detailed the proposals yet.
I do not believe that there is any support at the WDC for either subsidising other councils to install infrastructure or to handover control of the assets to a non-elected board - the example of Auckland s Watercare is not a model that carries much appeal.