We're living through a new spasm of the sort of priggish, sententious puritanism that has plagued humanity for about as long as there have been humans.
(Fargo, ND) Paul Fisher, Capstone Classical Academy's Headmaster, joined WDAY Radio to give an update on their first school year and some of the challenges a first-year school experiences. Fisher says the academy educates students to think with "virtue and wisdom", along with "human flourishing". The headmaster likened the education to "shaping minds and souls", rather than
Columnist Steve Grineski writes, "Conflict arises between those wanting schooling for broad purposes, and those seeing schooling’s importance driven by narrower missions. Deciding who pays for whose schooling and why contributes to the struggle and conflict."
(Fargo, ND) Today is the first day of school for 116 students at the new Capstone Classical Academy in Fargo. Headmaster Paul Fisher described what he believes makes the school different. "We've decided and classical approaches are committed to open dialogue and good civil discourse and critical thinking, helping students to become great communicators and citizens and we