Letošnje poletne zabave imajo svojo moč, kajne? Težko smo jih pričakovali, z njimi ponovno občutimo svobodo in energijo druženja. Morda jih po tolikem času zap…
hired, the anticorruption ambass somebody dispute the fact that donald trump told vice president pence not to go to president zelensky s inauguration. i want to hear somebody dispute the fact that president trump ignored the talking pout anticorruption and is both apris with president zelensky. i want to hear somebody dispute the facts that president trump invoked his political rivals name four times on that july 25th call. i want to hear the somebody dispute the fact that the president s chief of staff said we are withholding the military aid because the ukrainians need to investigate 2016. not i, we. we as an mick mulvaney and donald trump. i want to hear somebody dispute the fact that ambassador sondland said white house meeting absolutely quid pro quo, conditioned on the investigations. i also listen to your witness,
but you put dogs there. the 1970s were 8 track tapes being taken out of capris. i know that because i had a capri. now we have porch pirates. we have people it s as easy theft. follow the ups truck around the neighborhood. they leave stuff on porches. you should be more concerned that the federal government and those who would have nefarious entente follow you 24/7. i like the fact i can catch somebody on my porch stealing stuff. that s in my immediate life. that s you doing that. over that, it s the police having access. they are not interested in your porch pirate. i thought emily said you have to okay it? yes. to be clear. the police have partnerships with ring. for them to obtain the content,
one result. and. for thomas our schlager points out the final racing caprice 3.4 liter cosworth engine with a ducktail reduced lift and drag on the rear axle. that s what i m getting these were also rationed so that proves the capris basic design was suited to motor sports guy. this was the car that carried racing legend björk unmask to his victories on the track now he s a guest of castle tyke busily signing autographs. as he afterwards. says the years 74 is different because b.m.w. enjoy greater freedom to develop the arizona mix for the board it can. wouldn t
competition. can i see this on tv? i will try to say women who wear shorts that are indecent. i am like, what is going on? jesse: that is your pet peeve? juan: you aft about fashion. jesse: i wouldn t have thought that. kennedy. kennedy: i love menswear. i love slim fit suits, anything that has cut well. i do not understand, and this may be generational, i don t understand fellows who wear slim fit pants rolled up or capris with dress shoes and no socks. jesse: you are not talking about me, are you? dana. dana: gladiator boots. he can t stand them. jesse: our entire hair and makeup crew has them. dana: i know they are watching. we have an open dialogue. whenever they are one, i think