relatively easy. can we come up with the things that can be harder than the arctic? the amazing thing so this guy in 2012 says it will be relatively easy. then it s a complete disaster for them. that guy gets fired and disappeared. they replace him with a new guy who comes back and says, yeah, we think it s going to be relatively easy. right. they have this special containment system so in case there s a blowout by the way, 57% chance they admit that if they continue 75% chance that there will be a blowout. so they tested their capping stack, that s what they had to bring up there if there s a blowout. in 2012, it came out looking like a crumpled can. they tested it again, refused to release the results. given complaints like that, was it a surprise that the obama administration said go ahead? they ve been expressing concerns about climate change all along but they have it seems like they ve been enthusiastic about this work going forward. somebody in the obama white ho
they want to get it started so they can work next spring. that s what they wanted to do in 2012 as well and it went horribly wrong. relatively easy. can we come up with the things that can be harder than the arctic? so this guy in 2012 says it will be relatively easy. then it s a complete disaster for them. that guy gets fired and disappeared. they replace him with a new guy who says, yeah, we think it will be relatively easy. and they have a containment system so in cases of blowout by the way, 57% chance they admit that if they continue 75% chance that there will be a blowout. so they tested their capping stack in 2012, it cam out looking like a crumpled can. they tested it again, refused to release the results. given complaints like that, was it a surprise that the obama administration said go ahead? they ve been expressing concerns about climate change all along but they have it seems like they ve been enthusiastic about this work going forward. ?
that means they have to pass under lots of bridges look the way, including this bridge right here, which we ve marked on the map called the st. john s bridge. what happens happen too long is on that bridge or more specifically underneath it. it started this weekend, which this ship right here pulled into portland under the cover of darkness, you see the lights gleaming in the darkness there. that s a shell oil icebreaking. it s key to shell s efforts to try to drill the arctic for oil this summer. this is an icebreaking ship. it breaks ice, but it also holds something called the capping stack, which would be needed as the emergency spill response if shell s argument ig oil drilling resulted in a well blowout or some. shell has been poised to start drilling the arctic any day now.
three months on the gulf of mexico floor. according to a federal judge three billion barrels of oil spewed into the water damaging coastlines from florida to texas. that same judge ruled bp s gross negligence and willful misconduct were to blame for the disaster. five years later bp tells us many lessons were learned. new technology has been implemented across the industry like enhanced blowout preventers. this giant piece of gear you re looking at now, developed by bp, and it is designed to prevent another spill we re told of this magnitude. capping stack is an enormous piece of equipment up to five stories tall, weighing tons and tons. and can then be deployed, as far under water as is necessary on top of the wellhead to shut off the flow of oil, coming out of the, out of the well. reporter: but some
disaster. that new equipment has been developed, new technologies have been implemented, not just by the this oil giant but across the entire industry. you re looking at what is called a capping stack, a giant containment type vessel stories tall, that could now be deployed on top of a well head to stop a gusher like we saw here five years ago. also, enhancements were made to another vital piece of equipment. listen. one of the changes we made was to require all of our blowout preventers offshore to have two sets of what is called blind sheer ram. so that if there were a well control incident and you needed to deploy a blow-out preventer you wouldn t have just one shot to cut the drill pipe but who but two shots. bp says it has spend $28 billion in response, cleanup and claims. thanks very much.