famous from an ad with mccain saying, complete that dang fence. he s been outed, accused fd threatening to deport his immigrant boyfriend. we have lots of coverage on that story today. also, take a look at these pictures. this is what you call chafing the hailstorm. it hurts. ow, look at that. we ll taking where this is happening. and the folks who took that video. millions of dollars in plastic surgery, to the taxpayers. their nose jobs, breast implants, lipo. you name it. how is this happening in the middle of a budget crisis? that s a good question. plastic surgery, teachers, really? quite a remarkable story. lordy. i don t know if you want to be a teacher in that district. heck ya. one minute past 5:00 in the east. double digit lead. always good news it you re a candidate seeking to be the guy who runs against president obama. that s the story for rick santorum this morning. he s kind of in the driver s seat now. he s got a ten point lead over romney now.