Anju Khatiwada, the co-pilot of Yeti Airlines plane that crashed in Nepal’s Pokhara, was seconds away from realising her dream of becoming a chief - Get the latest breaking news and top stories from Sri Lanka, the latest political news, sports news, weather updates, exam results, business news, entertainment news, world news and much more from News 1st, Sri Lanka's leading news network.
Nepal Crash: Co-Pilot Had Lost Her Husband in Similar Mishap, Was Seconds Away From Promotion Nepal Plane Crash, Nepal Plane Crash Co-pilot Anju Khatiwada aaa
Nepal plane crash: Anju Khatiwada, the co-pilot aboard the fateful Yeti Airlines ATR-72 which crashed in Pokhara with 72 people. She lost her life and her dreams just a moment before realising them, mirroring the fate of her late husband, Deepak Pokhrel.
Anju Khatiwada, the co-pilot of Yeti Airlines plane that crashed in Nepal’s Pokhara, was seconds away from realising her dream of becoming a chief pilot. But her hopes and dreams never came to a realisation.
Minutes before landing at the Pokhara International Airport on Sunday, the ATR-72 plane carrying 72 people crashed at the forest land located on the banks of the Seti River, making it one of the worst air crashes in Nepal’s history. So far, the officials have recovered 68 bodies, while the rescue operations are on to retrieve the remaining ones.