January 18, 2021
Currently, COVID-19 vaccines are available to paid and unpaid health care workers, residents and staff of long-term and congregate-care facilities, first responders including sworn law enforcement and fire professionals, people over 65, and people 16 to 64 with certain medical conditions as defined by the CDC that increase the risk of severe illness from the virus.
If you are eligible to get a vaccine, you should pre-register for the vaccine on the NJ Vaccine Scheduling System website. According to state officials, you will be notified when an appointment is available to you. Some Planet Princeton readers have reported that they received a notification that they were eligible. They could register for an appointment through the NJ Health Department, but they reported that there were no options close to the Princeton area. They were also directed to a list of places they could call to make their own appointments. But many of these locations are not accepting appointm
November 01, 2020
Tomi Lynette Sizemore and Christopher Darrell Leonard were united in marriage on Sept. 12, at 5 p.m. at Big Creek Farms located in Stokes County. Ramsey Embry officiated.
The bride is the daughter of Ronald and Lesa Sizemore of Mount Airy. She attended North Surry High School and is employed at Pike Electric Corporate Office in Mount Airy, as an accounts payable clerk.
The groom is the son of Darrell and Vela Leonard of Mount Airy. He attended North Surry High School and is employed at Hooker Furniture in Mount Airy, as a spring up.
The bride was given in marriage by her parents, Ronald and Lesa Sizemore. She wore a beautiful, elegant, strapless ivory gown covered in lace with beautiful small bead throughout. The gorgeous long lace train was the cherry on top for this beautiful gown. Tomi Lynn wore an ivory veil with a beaded edge to compliment the beads on the dress.