It has been a while since we last covered Indonesia’s new capital city in our monthly reports (the last time was in December 2021 to be exactly). And therefore, it might be a good idea to see what has happened over the past nine months or so in relation to the development of this giant construction project.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysia External Trade Development Corp (Matrade) is facilitating the participation of 15 Malaysian companies in Megabuild Indonesia 2022, as part of the continuous efforts to promote Malaysian capabilities in the construction and building materials industry.
The government’s National Capital City Master Plan outlines several incentives for young and talented individuals to encourage them to come, settle, and .
If, indeed, the capital city of Indonesia will be moved away from Jakarta (Java) to the North Penajam Paser Regency and (partly) the Kutai Kartanegara Regency (in East Kalimantan) then Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s name will forever be linked to the new capital city as he was the one who initiated this huge project.