Four out of five organizations haven t scaled their AI. Here are some ways to change that.
Even as the pandemic tightens technology budgets, there are plenty of companies eager to leverage the highly beneficial capabilities of AI. They hire data scientists, identify use cases, and build proofs of concept. Yet, according to a recent research report from Capgemini, four out of five organizations fail to successfully scale these AI programs from the pilot and initial production stages.
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When scaled effectively, AI programs can provide payback that is several times greater than the initial investment, all within the first six months. But without scaling their programs, most organizations aren’t reaping the benefits and showing the value of their AI implementations. This lack of value during difficult economic times results in less additional funding to continue to expand the AI program even though the returns could
Neither DevOps nor PaaS are new. However, aligning them is efficient and cost-effective.
Many organizations are practicing some form of DevOps. Increasingly, they ve been adopting platform as a service to capitalize on a market or to realize greater cost and process efficiencies. Some even have multi-PaaS strategies.
For example, entrepreneurs have built applications on platforms such as to get instant access to an installed base of users. Conversely, the platform provider benefits from the added value third parties provide.
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Meanwhile, organizations are under competitive pressure to deliver value to customers faster. And the big cloud vendors including Oracle are encouraging customers to build cloud native applications using their PaaS service offerings. Many companies are building their new applications in the cloud and some are also transitioning their legacy applications.