SA hunger levels remain stubbornly high – Survey
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One of the most devastating “unintended consequences” resulting from the response to the Covid-19 pandemic in South Africa is the spread of hunger.
The first wave of the National Income Dynamics Study – Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey (NIDS-CRAM) provided strong evidence of drastic increases in household and child hunger during the initial period of the pandemic, as well as an increase in household food insecurity.
Pettifor, Julien); University of the Witwatersrand (
Pettifor, Lippman, Chola, Wagner, Hove, Twine, Gómez-Olivé, Kabudula, Masilela, Kahn); University of California San Francisco (
Lippman, Leddy, West, Dufour); Sonke Gender Justice (
Peacock, Mathebula, Rebombo, Pino); Promundo (
Peacock); University of Cape Town School of Public Health (
Peacock); independent consultant (
Rebombo) The study demonstrated that shifts in views toward gender can be fostered in a meaningful way at the community level, and that such shifts may also provide an important boost at the individual level. Further, decreases in IPV [intimate partner violence] could be a path to testing for women and men. In the global HIV field, policy and programme discussions increasingly recognise the importance of addressing harmful gender norms across the HIV care continuum. This Project SOAR (Supporting Operational AIDS Research) report summarises findings from a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of Tsima ra
Sin Taxes – a soft target that does more harm than good - Biznews
23 February 2021 - The argument for sin taxes is frequently made. Arguments against sin taxes, however, are rarely discussed, and never feature in the National Treasury’s budget speeches.
At first glance sin taxes make sense… The taxed items aren’t essentials and increasing the price of unhealthy substances should reduce their appeal. Ivo Vegter from the Daily Friend delves a little deeper into the most popular indulgences around the world and finds that, in South Africa, sin taxes might not be that simple. During one of the strictest lockdowns in the world, the country was a revealing test case for what happens when cigarettes and alcohol are banned outright. A black market emerged almost over night, drawing ordinarily law-abiding citizens into business with organised crime syndicates. While government ‘fiddles at the margins’, these taxes have a substantial effect on employment, industry and the economy
At first glance sin taxes make sense… The taxed items aren’t essentials and increasing the price of unhealthy substances should reduce their appeal. Ivo Vegter from the Daily Friend delves a little deeper into the most popular indulgences around the world and finds that, in South Africa, sin taxes might not be that simple. During one of the strictest lockdowns in the world, the country was a revealing test case for what happens when cigarettes and alcohol are banned outright. A black market emerged almost over night, drawing ordinarily law-abiding citizens into business with organised crime syndicates. While government ‘fiddles at the margins’, these taxes have a substantial effect on employment, industry and the economy as a whole. The article was first published on Daily Friend. – Melani Nathan.