and we also had to cancel many holiday parties, millions of dollars of parties had to be canceled across the country. so restaurants are here once again in a major pickle, with no current government programs. so then i wonder, you know, if you re really also saying chicago and the restaurant business has no other recourse, because on one hand you want to keep all of your employees safe. you have suffered a big blow from people getting sick. at the same time, you want business, so you need the public to be cooperative about helping to keep you all safe. that s all true. now, if they go to capacity limitations, that s the death sentence that caused 100,000 restaurants to close. and there s a solution to all of this. the independent restaurant coalition is 1,000 members strong. we speak to restaurants all the time who are on the verge of closing. and the restaurant
Effective June 29, 2020, the St. Louis County Department of Public Health ("DPH") amended its Business and Individual Guidelines for Social Distancing and Re-Opening (the "Second Amended Order").
Governor Gavin Newsom announced that the entire state of California is going to relax many of the COVID-19 restrictions starting on June 15, 2021. There has been a great deal of.