Maybe its just me, but that doesn’t sound much like the platform of someone running for Secretary of State
- Flyin Elvis -Utah Chapter - Monday, Apr 19, 21 @ 10:19 am:
C. Seen this ad a million times.
good ad, but didn’t his announcement focus on safeguarding voting rights? that wasn’t mentioned once in this ad. has he abandoned that message for his campaign?
Pretty generic. Adelstein usually does better hitting the emotional tone, but I did not feel it here.
Also, there are a lot of ways to come at a race for Secretary of State traffic safety, DUI, Securities investigations, business development, libraries. This ad focused on things that have nothing to do with the actual job. Struck me as weird.
I know its a typo, but “in the spirit of goof governance” seems like an appropriate way to describe this specific situation.
“goof governance” made me laugh
“In the spirit of me wanting to fade into the background and in the best interest of the people that are very upset with me, I decline the one month salary to which I am entitled by law.”
- Essential State Employee - Friday, Feb 26, 21 @ 12:08 pm:
= in the spirit of goof governance=
Is “goof governance” a typo either on this post or on the Comptroller’s press release? I couldn’t find this press release on their site yet (unless it’s coming later).
I am so sick of these yahoos. The fact that an elected official is so proud of breaking the law and that an attorney is as well is just disgusting.
- Bruce( no not him) - Tuesday, Dec 15, 20 @ 10:07 am:
We’re tired of tyranny. Also finding that breathing is highly overrated. Join us in stopping both.
Such a diverse group, that cult of personality.
“We the deniers hope to get sick, overthrow an election, and convince you we are doing it for you… “
C’mon man!
Probably not enough banned words to describe those two. Sheesh
Dumb and Dumber