NORTHFIELD The Emergency Services Facility Committee has nearly finished Phase 1 of its work toward building a multi-million-dollar public safety complex on Main Street just north of Dickinson Memorial Library.The EMS, fire and police chiefs have.
NORTHFIELD Architectural firm Caolo & Bieniek Associates Inc. has submitted a concept phase report that includes a nearly $13.04 million cost estimate and final drafts of two design options for Northfield’s future public safety complex.The Emergency.
NORTHFIELD The town is conducting testing at what has been deemed the most viable site to build a new public safety complex on Main Street just north of Dickinson Memorial Library.Meetings hosted by the Selectboard, the Emergency Services Facility.
NORTHFIELD The town’s Emergency Services Facility Committee will recommend that the Selectboard enter a contract with Chicopee-based architectural firm Caolo & Bieniek Associates Inc. to design a new public safety complex.Although the process of.