For a time, David Lidstone, better known as River Dave, was the antihero in this saga, the rebellious figure who stood up against the powerful and bent the rules in search of a peaceful, quiet life.A different reputation, however, attached itself to.
The life Derek Januszewski led before ayahuasca, and the life he leads after, bear little resemblance.His former self struggled with obsessive-compulsive disorder, childhood trauma and drug addiction. Then, in May 2017, he took ayahuasca for the first.
On Aug. 21 at 4 p.m., singer-songwriter and New Hampshire native Katie Dobbins will perform at Canterbury Shaker Village’s Music on the Green series. Music Box Pete has referred to Dobbins’ sound as “derived within the folk and country mindset, with a.
Music again takes center stage on Aug. 14, as Liz & Dan Faiella perform at Canterbury Shaker Village’s Music on the Green series. Running through Sept. 11, the series attracts some of New England’s most acclaimed musicians, some with a national.
On July 10 and July 17, respectively, The Wholly Rollers and River Sister will perform at Canterbury Shaker Village as part of its summer Music on the Green series. The Wholly Rollers is a local favorite that plays old-time, bluegrass, gospel, sea.