X is now reportedly testing three new paid tiers for its subscription service. The social media platform known as X is now reportedly testing more options on its platform to expand more of its subscription service, adding three paid tiers to its single existing one.
to texas to primary a decent member of congress, a democrat was possibly going to lose in the primary. and require, who s been really good on the border for his constituents and for americans, national security. i think the squad is about to cause a lot more problems for biden, pelosi, and schumer. if she calls you speaker pelosi, i need your advice on how to deal with some of those who don t appreciate how much crime is impacting cities and everyday americans, what we do? out throw them in the back of a truck and take them to the victims houses and talk to the dead the families of the dead. there is a pattern here that is just unmistakable. homeless male, career criminal out on street. charges, female, asian, can t report that for some reason. there s always asian. the murder weapon is not a gun, it s a knife, just like the murder victim california. how many of these do we need to have before we get to say it s an epidemic? he had been arrested multiple