U.S. stocks traded lower toward the end of trading, with the S&P 500 falling around 0.3% on Monday. The Dow traded down 0.67% to 39,538.91 while the NASDAQ fell 0.06% to 16,369.44. The S&P 500 also fell, dropping, 0.30% to 5,238.49.
U.S. stocks traded mixed this morning, with the Dow Jones index trading almost flat on Thursday. Following the market opening Thursday, the Dow traded down 0.02% to 39,753.17 while the NASDAQ fell 0.08% to 16,385.80. The S&P 500 also rose, gaining, 0.04% to 5,250.38.
U.S. stocks traded mixed toward the end of trading, with the Nasdaq Composite falling around 15 points on Thursday. The Dow traded up 0.06% to 39,785.29 while the NASDAQ fell 0.13% to 16,383.85. The S&P 500 also rose, gaining, 0.10% to 5,253.70.