he said they did not open the letter. all i said north korea is still a possibility for regional flareup. another big thing at the conference, readiness problem. planes that can t fly, budget shortfalls. what did you here today? we ve reported a lot about how have for the navy s fire planes cannot fly. half of the b-1 bombers can t five. i asked the secretary of the air force hell would impact the fight with north korea. she said in no uncertain terms, if we had to fight right now under these current conditions, fewer women would come home. norman would die. when i asked robert nelly about it this is what he said.
70% of the f-18 hornet s can t fly. and they have 41 fewer warships than they did on 9/11. and the navy has half as many ships as they did during ronald reagan s era. the military is stretched and doing more with less. in military is being asked to make preparations on north kore north korea. and there are some in this country that are very concerned. and they will meet here at the reagan library tomorrow. shannon: thank you for reporting on that. and the threat that poses to our men and women. they will continue throughout this weekend. and with what was being told to
70% of the f-18 hornet s can t fly. and they have 41 fewer warships than they did on 9/11. and the navy has half as many ships as they did during ronald reagan s era. the military is stretched and doing more with less. in military is being asked to make preparations on north kore north korea. and there are some in this country that are very concerned. and they will meet here at the reagan library tomorrow. shannon: thank you for reporting on that. and the threat that poses to our men and women. they will continue throughout this weekend. and with what was being told to
diplomacy quiet behind-the-scenes diplomacy is the only thing to get us out of this. if we have a nuclear war with north korea we ll win it but at what price. but we have to cool off, walk back from the brink and let diplomacy rein. secretary tillerson hasn t come out against these terrible cuts to the state department which is slashing embassies and diplomacy. we need to build these things up. the president can t fly by the seat of his pants and say what he wants to on twitter and think there s no repercussion. when i heard the president s comments i thought they more likely could have come out of the mouth of kim jong-un. we don t need that or want that. as distasteful as the north korean regime is and i ve been there twice, it is certainly a regime that we don t want to have a nuclear war with. and everything that we need to do needs to be done to prevents that and that s diplomacy. congressman i appreciate your
low income families. that would be devastating for community s like in louisville. leland: you talk about communities like yours, kentucky, home of the screaming eagles, fort campbell, this is what you said earlier on bloomberg relating to that pentagon spending. i know that $54 billion, a one-time bump is a pretty significant increase. i think would be hard for the pentagon to justify all of that. leland: now we re back to this increase in military spending. great reporting by our jennifer griffin, fort campbell. half of their helicopters and the 101st can t fly. if they had disarmed a brigade combat team on short notice around the world, possibly to south korea, possibly somewhere else, likely couldn t do it. the buildings at fort campbell, as you know from visiting them, our vintage world war ii and falling apart. you can t tell me the pentagon does any more money. is a site, i put aside that