to michael jordan. 6:00 this morning a marketing magnate called me and said i want to get the people who advertise through me out of this. ordinary people are really outraged by this, joan. and i don t know how the nba cannot hear all of our voices when you got so many people that are saying this can t be the man s son-in-law just came out. well, the son-in-law, he runs day to day operation for the team. right. that s an important turning point, rev. it s such a human thing to hear those words and to know he s talking about some of hez players. he s talking about his players families and friends. that these are the people that are not welcome at his games and they re not welcome with his girlfriend. she can associate with other people but not black people. they re viewed as the enemy, he said at one point. right. and angela, i mentioned a
like can t be. it s got to be some practical joke. and then it stayed missing and it stayed missing. and no sign of crash. no evidence of anything going on. and within by the night, by 12 hours disbelief started to set in like this can t be happening, it s surreal. david, you spoke to sarah about why she believes there is a chance that her partner is still alive. what did she say? reporter: she saidt that she feels his physical presence. and then, also, she feels that logically looking at the evidence as she sees it he has to be out there somewhere still alive even as the days stretch on. philip and sarah were due to move together to kuala lumpur. even the packing boxes behind her there in the interview, they were going to start a a new life together and start a fresh start
them. indicating that the first one had to be incapacitating. and this ain t right. she s got two in her head now. doctor colt immediately his immediate statement was, that can t be. two entrance and two exit wounds meant that either the pistol double fired or sandy pulled the trigger twice. i have had a number of cases in my own experience and there have been a number reported in the literature of more than one suicidal gunshot wound to the head. the common denominator in all those cases is that the first shot was not incapacitating. also suspicion, investigators found blood spatter on the .9 millimeter pistol, but none on sandy s arm. it really suggests that she is not in control of the weapon, but the weapon certainly was exposed to the battery thin.
is today. what are you getting him? we are getting in the elevators and checking out and is a little hungover so don t mind me telling you this. he slipped forward. the i phoned went through the elevator shaft around 11 floors. dink, dink, dink, dink. it survived. it fifed. thsurvived. you drop this thing two feet and it will crack and you pay 200 dollars at the bar. everyone has one and everyone just adapts and they have to, otherwise, can t be we have to stop! we are spending thousands of dollars! this is my fourth. how many have you been through? the others are disposable. 600 dollar disposable item? what is wrong with america? we are all disposable. what is wrong with us? our kids are cheaper than that! you know what alex said in his ear trying to help me along? you know who is not disposable?
yeah, i wouldn t be surprised to see. i have to tell you, when i first saw this story, that kind of election a decade, that can t be. and then i read down and i said, well, these particular states, he had checked and it appears at least at this point it s legal, but i think the reason no legislature or state or national party have addressed this, have passed a law that anything stupid someone could think of to do, we would have even more ridiculous laws. all four of the districts he s running in are districts in which the incumbent is not seeking open terms. they are open races. modern day carpet bagger. nobody s going to take him seriously. doesn t this just boil down to self-promotion? yes. now, a lot of politics is