broadly how frustrated the president is generally about the russia investigation. he always has somebody he s turning his fire on. now it s rod rosenstein. and he issued a statement last night in response to some of the reports that were coming out about the investigation that was a little bit bizarre in the sense that it said don t believe anonymous sources . it seemed designed saying the justice department saying it wasn t pressure from the white hou hou house. so perhaps he knew the president is angry. this one gets bizarre when you think about all this. it made sense he would be the lightning rod for the president s frustration because the president cannot reach over rosenstein to fire mueller without rosenstein s help. he has to be the one to actually sign that piece of paper, whatever the formal procedure is. he just said when he was appearing before a senate appropriations committee sub panel he s not going to do t. based on what he knows he think there is isn t cause. he sa