My previous article was titled “The Biggest Cryptozoological Puzzle? The British Bigfoot.” It was thanks to Brent Swancer’s new article on this strange topic of the U.K. Sasquatch that I decided to write today’s article. As I noted in my previous article, there’s no doubt the British Bigfoot is a paranormal creature. There are a. Read more »
My two previous articles were on (a) the connection between strange creatures and bridges, and (b) the link between monsters and railroads. With that said, I thought I would turn this into a “trilogy” of sorts. The final article will focus on the admittedly weird link between monsters and castles. With that said, let’s get. Read more »
One final thing for the controversy surrounding the thought-form/Tulpa issue: I thought that today I would expand on the matter of the “British Bigfoot” connection to all of this. As I mentioned in my previous article, there is a theory that the “creature” is a thought-form designed to guard ancient sites – and that has done so for millennia. Some might dismiss such things as nonsense, but the fact is that sightings of Bigfoot-type creatures in the U.K., and where ancient sites can be found, abound. And I don’t exaggerate. The main reason why most people don’t know of the strange phenomenon is because, simply, it doesn’t get a great deal of publicity. And even when it is highlighted, the whole thing is dismissed or laughed at. Too bad. There