The Black Cannabis Equity Initiative recently met to discuss, among other things, Colorado ballot Proposition 119 — to be determined Election Day, Nov. 2 — which would increase taxes on
The Black Cannabis Equity Initiative(BCEI) and the Capital City Area Black Caucus in conjunction with a host of community organizations, cannabis thought experts, business leaders and social equity voices from throughout New Jersey are sponsoring an Inside Cannabis Social Equity in New Jersey zoom discussion on Friday, September 10, 2021 from 3:00pm – 5:00pm(EST). This[.]
A BLACK LEADERSHIP CRITICAL COMMUNITY CONVERSATION SUMMIT ON SOCIAL EQUITY AND CANNABIS LEGALIZATION IN NJ - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.
Urban Sanctuary 2745 Welton Street Five Points yoga studio Urban Sanctuary is back hosting cannabis-friendly yoga sessions. The smoking sessions take place after arrival (bring your own bud), with attendees then taking part in 108 rounds of mantra, silent meditation and hatha yoga flow. Tickets (21+) are $25 on Eventbrite.
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Are 4/20 celebrations happening in 2021?
Meghan O Dea
about 2 hours ago
This time last year, the COVID-19 pandemic was heating up and public events were rapidly issuing cancellations. 4/20, the high holiday for cannabis enthusiasts, was no exception. The usual bevy of dispensary sales, rallies, concerts, and hazy gatherings that typically take place around the world on April 20th went online instead, with cannabis consumers connecting digitally rather than filling parks to puff-puff-pass.
But now that mask mandates are holding out and vaccination efforts are in full swing (in the United States, at least), will smokers and tokers be able to get back together to celebrate 4/20 in person? Like so many things, from the pandemic response to marijuana legalization, it depends on where you live.