Williams was arrested and charged with one count of illegal possession of stolen property, resisting an officer, aggravated flight from an officer, and obstruction of a state highway.
Williams was arrested and charged with one count of illegal possession of stolen property, resisting an officer, aggravated flight from an officer, and obstruction of a state highway.
trained canines to go into harm s way along with america s best and bravest. even, reportedly, in the mission to take out bin laden, there was a dog. did you know he gets fitted with body armor just like the big boys do? jim slater is president of canine storm. his company makes some of that gear, and that s why he we wanted to talk to him. jim, first of all, how did you get involved in this? hi, jenna. 1996 i was involved in a situation whereby i was working as a k-9 handler for our police agency here in winnipeg, and i was involved in this riot, and we did the entry to take control of the prison, and there was about 30 situations where, you know, my dog could have been injured or attacked. and we were all well armored, realized my dog did not have anything to protect himself. and went about designing and making one and subsequent to that a lot of people made requests from for me directly to
especially for dangerous work like checking for car bombs. we can send a dog in there without anybody getting close to the vehicle, and jour rr not risking harm to anyone directly. the dogs can indicate to me whether there s anything there. to train a single dog t costs $50,000, and companies like canine storm have built a multimillion industry around outfitting them. night vision cameras, motorcycle microphones and cameras are on the dogs infiltrating the camps. flack jackets help them take down dangerous opponents without injury, and with specially made jump harnesses, dogs can parachute into any hot spot as well as a human. one dog and his soldier set a record by jumping with oxygen from more than 30,000 feet up. the military has started a breeding program to try to keep up the numbers of the combat dogs. but for now, the most advanced
the u.s. army had 10,000 for century duty, carrying messages and other critical jobs. today, there are only 2,700 at work in the military. but that number is rapidly growing and never before have they been in such specialized roles. in afghanistan, they are so prized for their ability to work around the clock, that general david petraeus has said the capability they bring to the fight cannot be replicated by man or machine. especially for dangerous work like checking for car bombs. we can send a dog in there without anybody getting close to the vehicle and you re not risking harm to anyone directly. the dogs can indicate whether there s anything in the vehicle or not. reporter: to purchase and train a single combat dog costs $50,000. and companies like canine storm have built a multimillion dollar industry around outfitting them. night vision cameras, microphones and radios are carried by dogs which infiltrate enemy positions, taking commands