At the Dec, 16, 2020, Canfield City Council meeting, a motion to approve the contract between the Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (police officer Unit A, dispatchers Unit B, lieutenants and sergeants Unit C) for years 2021, 22 and 23 was unanimously approved (23 employees).
At the meeting I inquired about how much this would cost the city over the term of the contract. No one knew. By my calculations, it is just over $80,000. This does not include the additional pension contributions, as they are a percentage of the salaries. These increases have a compounding effect over the years.
At the Jan. 6, 2021, council meeting, an ordinance for salaries of nonbargaining employees for 2021-22 and 2023 (24 employees) was unanimously passed. At that meeting, I inquired about how much this would cost over the term of the ordinance. No one could say. Only a few guesses were offered. I believe the additional costs will be similar to the previously mentioned motion.