takeoff. the incident caused the plane s emergency slide to activate airport police later took the passenger into custody and other passengers will move to a different flight. the u. s federal aviation administration will lead the investigation. in philadelphia officials say they are confident that tap water is safe to drink after a chemical spill in the nearby delaware river. they say they have not found any contamination in the city s water supply, but concerned residents rushed to buy bottled water. officials say the contamination occurred friday when a latex products spilled. in the bristol township. the company estimates more than 8000 gallons of solution was released into the water and just an hour north of philadelphia. seven people are now confirmed dead after a candy factory explosion on friday whether camera captured the blast in west redding,
it s called terenzio plc. they explained in a statement that the spill occurred because equipment failure and ultimately resulted in 8100 gallons of a latex polymer of a solution that had latex polymer in it seeping into the delaware river. they described it as a white liquid used in various consumer goods. but again, the philadelphia water department says none of that, as of now has gotten into the philadelphia water supplies to the message. still until monday night, and 59 is that the water here is safe to drink. danny freeman, cnn, philadelphia and just an hour north of philadelphia. seven people are now confirmed dead after candy factory explosion on friday. the blast happened in west redding, pennsylvania, at the factory owned by the palmer. company officials say anyone missing after explosion has now been accounted for. authorities are investigating the cause of the blast, including the possibility of a gas leak. three voters are very likely to be alive on and on a cruise ship ri
Family members are still waiting to hear from loved ones who haven't been seen since Friday’s explosion at the RM Palmer Company candy factory in West Reading, Berks County.