Union and community activists want the New South Wales Coalition government to reverse its decision to scrap the historic Manly ferries. Jim McIlroy reports.
How two iconic Manly Ferries that ve taken generations of kids to the beach from the west will be replaced with Chinese vessels - while route mostly used by $34k-a-year private school boys is preserved because they don t want to take the BUS
NSW government plans to scrap two iconic ferries from Circular Quay to Manly
The ferries carry 1,000 locals and tourists in half-hour trip across the Harbour
Campaigners say they are part of our heritage and must be kept in place
Meanwhile, government reversed decision to scrap private school ferry route
Deeply disappointed : Cyclists lose battle for new bike lane in Manly
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Plans to block traffic for a new bike lane in Manly have been shelved after an outcry from residents and businesses.
Northern Beaches Council has backed away from a proposal to build a cycleway along The Corso and Darley Road in Manly and reduce the speed limit.
Northern Beaches Council has scaled back plans to build a cycleway in Manly after feedback from the community.