March 12, 2021 Emmie Banda -MEC stringer 1 Comment
As the 30th March 2021 by-election draws closer, two candidates in Nsanje district have pulled out of the race.
Mandevana signing after verifying his details on a ballot paper while Rudi looks on
One of the candidates from Nsanje North constituency Kennedy Jailosi who was representing UTM Party said he has pulled out of the race because of financial problems.
Jailosi said since the party is silent on the forthcoming by-election he cannot manage on his own.
“It is true that I have pulled out of the race, this is so because of my financial problems, the party is not helping me, this problem is not for me only but for everyone who is contesting on UTM ticket, we went to the new Presidential elections without the party support and this time around it is the same, since the party is silent, I will not push them there by choosing to pull out of the race,” said Jailosi.