about george bush? george bush was a very different person. kanye west can have an opinion that differs over time just like anybody else. standing up for candace, who says nothing nothing candace said by the way, college campuses would never let me or larry elder or some of the people on. i am shocked they lead to candace on. with all due respect, i would teach those kids a lesson they would never forget. laura: why? no one is scared of you because you are a black republican. you are a perfect example of a person who comes on here and says it s what she says. candace has an opinion that most blacks in america agree with, that we are individuals. we are not monolithic. we devote don t vote democrat because people like you decide what that s we what we are about. there will be more white people calling me a race traitor along with a cadre of blacks. i-9 will get all kinds of racial slurs.
saying that african-americans are whining, saying black lives matter activists laura: no, she is not saying everybody. i thought she was really positive. i don t know her at all. i have seen multiple clips of candace. talking about things she said on hannity tonight, things i ve heard her say before. laura: again, again, the left says all sorts of horrific hateful things about people 24/7. a black conservative gets up and says think for yourself and she might as well be hitler. honestly what people are saying about her. what she is doing is being respectful. i would like to jump in. i am proud you were able to find somebody who wants to come and argue that black people should be monolithic in all think the same. how dare kanye west actually stand up for candace owens today when he said something different
i love the way candace owens thinks. who is cannedas owens a popular conservative commentator. that set off liberal twitter with comedian tom arnold tweeting something so profane, even he ended up delete it. the comedian deleting something from twitter because it is obscene. that s when you know things are out of hand. let s discuss the perils for black conservatives speaking theiril minds. fox news contributor kevin jackson in phoenix and former hillary clinton campaign staffer michael hopkins in new york. see both of you. let s start with you michael. i watched the candace owens speech. i think we you know we don t have time to play all of it. she was giving a talk on a gcollege campus where she said think for yourself. you re not a victim. don t act like a victim. you can do whatever you want you have two hands. you have two feet. hands, eye, independence. you re not owned by any
political party. that was her message. kanye sends a tweet. i like what she s saying. he was all over by hollywood, entertainment industry, and more. why is that the right reaction nto intellectual, idealogical diversity? let me start with kanye, then i can talk about candace owens. the reason people are laughing kanye because of the intellectual dishonesty when kanye said george w. bush didn t care about black people. conservatives were in an outrage and then they say he loves trump now he s conservative love child. that s the first problem. when it comes to candace. let me talk about a different issue. my issue is because she wants to rewrite history and ignore the history that got us to where we are today and walk all over the civil rights icons that allow her nowvi to say the things she does. to walk alle wants over it. what are you talking about? she wants to walk over civil right icons. by saying african-americans