The city of Cleveland is moving forward with plans to transform 35-acres of currently overgrown riverside behind the Tower City complex, into what developers are calling a new ‘front porch’ to the city.
While the plans for the riverfront and Lake Erie's shores are moving ahead separately, their developers are working to see that progress of the two waterfronts mesh.
Cuyahoga County residents will vote for a new County Executive next month. Republican Lee Weingart is facing off against Democrat Chris Ronayne. Ideastream is profiling both candidates ahead of the election, and recently caught up with Ronayne on the campaign trail.Ideastream is profiling both candidates ahead of the election, and recently caught up with Ronayne on the campaign trail.
The Cleveland specialist in historic preservation projects has struck a deal with the Samsel family, proprietors of the landmark Samsel Supply Co. on Old River Road, to redevelop empty parts of the family's holdings on the south side of Main Avenue in the Flats.