Try me as many. Students I believe you ve just been listening to $3966.00 animated holiday special how the grant Stepaside all flicks coming to you from the studios of k p r g $89.00 f.m. Public Radio for sight and I m your host Jason vast and I m happy to welcome our listeners to this everyone had a lovely time last week at the Holiday Inn that holiday that most people call Thanksgiving but that I call by a variety of names including indigenous rights day or leave our land to London or most frequently and I think most appropriately gluttony today and it was certainly that for me which means that it was both relaxing and fulfilling as I think it was for my 3 co-hosts or join me here in studio somehow having managed to rouse themselves from the food coma into which they are last week so I thank them for being here 1st as always my friend and colleague from the University of warm School of Education Jackie Some of us Dr Jackie says Jackie welcome back to flex How was your holiday. Thank