AmaranthCX has shared the maps with
DM168. This follows its comprehensive mapping of South Africa’s coal operations, which among other things showed companies with apparent mining rights adjacent to protected areas.
The chrome mapping project also raises ecological and social red flags. In one area in Limpopo, chrome mining has taken place in rural residential areas next to homes. The scale is large and significant and heavy equipment was clearly used, yet the whole operation appears to be unregulated. How can mining take place right next to someone’s house?
Pointedly, the mapping project has revealed the presence of at least 20 spiral plants that are not located on any legitimate mining operation. Chrome is processed in such plants and this raises the question of where such ore is being sourced. Because according to the chrome industry, a considerable amount is being exported illegally from the country.
The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) clearly has capacity issues. On 24 February, the department gave a presentation to Parliament on its licensing system. It revealed a backlog of 5,326 applications for mining rights, prospecting rights, mining permits, renewals and cessions or the sale of rights.
The backlog for applications for prospecting rights alone was 2,485.
Without prospecting and exploration, you don’t get new mines built. So, in the long run, there is no new investment, job creation or new commodities production to lift exports and feed into gross domestic product.
Mpumalanga, Limpopo and North West are the worst offenders. In Mpumalanga, the backlog for prospecting rights applications is 1,001. Limpopo is 536 and North West, 467.
Daily Maverick 168 weekly newspaper.
It shows that South Africa has fallen to 60th out of 77 in 2020 from 40th out of 76 in 2019. Among the 13 African countries in the index, South Africa is now a dismal 11th, overtaken by the DRC – the horror, the horror! – with only Zimbabwe and Tanzania ranked lower.
One of the striking things about this steep decline is that it comes against the backdrop of record earnings for producers of PGMs (platinum group metals). And the biggest source of PGMs is South Africa.
Gold producers have also churned out huge profits. This is because, for a range of reasons, prices have been on a tear. Gold has been lifted by its safe-haven appeal during a time of upheaval, while there are shortages of key PGMs, notably palladium and rhodium, coveted for their role as petrol catalysts.