military is shooting something out of the sky ove canada?r can. because it s part ofnorad is a narad. there is the norat par is part f like a part of a it s a it s, is a what you call a machine.t of course, we didn t do it on our own. we did it in cluley in step with the canadia up. well, at she got the norat part right at one point today. right. at one point today we ende we ended up here if a yuppy floats above us and no one seese it, did the up really float at l all? ?one of the reasons that we think we rk e seeing more is because we re looking for more . filte they have modifiedrs the filters and the gains, as we call and if youer set the parameters somethin in such a way that to look for s watchin something, it more likely that you re goinginn to find a certain something. now, watching this guy run kingo today, and thinking t i wouldn t hire him to run
and wondering, gee, cancergee, clusters could pop up well,up, e water could go bad.ould joining me now is chris welch and girlfriend katie schwartz, wylder owner of von shore s doberman kennel. e away fro both were living about one mile away from the train derailment before they had to evacuate. now, katie, you evacuatede everything, including all the animals, multipl e trips you made. tell us what you felt while you were back there after thisde derailment. nt. so we ve had to gock back to the location where our home and our business are on to gather some supplies thato we weren t able to gather the night the evacuation. t so when we went back there, web felt very itchy eyes, swelling of the face, particularly. around the eyes. we wer we coughinger, our eyes e watering our ski