Experts from 13 organizations across Canada, including doctors, nurses, researchers, law and humanitarian specialists, wrote a series of articles that made the argument.
Experts from 13 organizations across Canada, including doctors, nurses, researchers, law and humanitarian specialists, wrote a series of articles that made the argument.
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Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) Portage received a donation from MNP Portage to continue their work in the community.
“It is amazing and I feel very blessed that Big Brothers Big Sisters has gotten so much support this year,” says Dawn Froese, executive director of BBBS. “To me, it means that the community understands what we do and the importance mentoring has on the children and youth in our community.”
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Since the province is in lockdown, BBBS has asked matches to connect through phone calls, texting and online platforms like zoom. Froese adds the organization has also been able to purchase the platform MentorCity thanks to the Community Foundation of Portage & District with the Government of Canada Covid Response grant.