Graduate students demand an end to mandatory fees
January 14, 2021
Students gather around the buffalo statue in the Regent Administrative Center in protest of graduate student fees. Oct. 21, 2019 (Kevin Wu / CU Independent)
Dean of the Graduate School E. Scott Adler responded on Tuesday to demands from graduate workers to eliminate student fees. Graduate students feel that Adler failed to address their concerns in his response.
United Campus Workers Colorado (UCWC), launched a letter-writing campaign on Dec. 22, 2020, encouraging activists to email Dean Adler with the subject line, “Would you pay CU $17,380 every year just to work?”
UCWC found that, on average, graduate students return 7.9% of their salaries to the university through student fees. Using 2020 salary data, the group displays how much money administrators would contribute if they paid the same percentage of their income. Based on these calculations, President Mark Kennedy would have to pay $67,150, Chancellor