told their family members but no onefeld like they could do. women disclosing to boyfriends, fathers and mothers, yet no one felt like they could go to the police because it was the police doing it. for me this is the trifecta, this is the kind of case where you have all these hot-button issues. campus sexual assault reform going on. anti-police brutality protests happening all over the nation, yet this gets lost in that kind of vortex of violence that black women are so vulnerable to. i think your point about the sense of being unable to go to the police in this case because the police were perpetrating. but also we know black women often don t go to the police because because of that other part of the trifecta, that bringing police into black communities does not necessarily end in justice for those communities. one of the victims even said, what police do? call on the police. there is a sense of mistrust. i m glad you opened the show talking about rosa parks. because one of th