/PRNewswire/ Huawei Enterprise has announced plans for a European Roadshow in 2022. As part of Digital and Green, Transition to New Value Together , Huawei.
Equities analysts predict that CommScope Holding Company, Inc. (NASDAQ:COMM – Get Rating) will report $2.10 billion in sales for the current fiscal quarter, Zacks Investment Research reports. Six analysts have made estimates for CommScope’s earnings, with the highest sales estimate coming in at $2.12 billion and the lowest estimate coming in at $2.06 billion. CommScope […]
The networking and communications equipment industry includes companies that make and sell integrated telecom products and networking equipment, including data routers, switching products and more. The sector has been growing.
Company is also reorganizing its remaining core business into four divisions, including a new Access Network Solutions unit led by cable industry vet Guy Sucharczuk.