Here was scary, now see a dare devils video. Of his descent. The terrifying moment he stops to take a call. [ speaking in Foreign Language ] a pricey lamb bororghini heads toward a tunnel where everything starts to come to a halt. see why everything, except the car behind him. Plus bonus giveaway day means your chance to win a new ipad mini or a flat screen tv. And students pull a valentine serenade. Now wereending a saxygram to the ladies of rtm. I got a couple of entries for the crazy dont quit award. We start in colombia. I think you guys could probably hood of the car and shes mad as heck. You my uber . Shes saying get out, get out because allegedly her boyfriend is driving the car and hes not alone. Theres another lady in there. Shes so mad shes liable to flip that bad boy over there, roar its so small, she probably could. She stands up on the car and starts beating the windshield with her foot. She is able to get t tt thing to cave in but it doesnt shatter. Shes like youre not le
I got a couple of entries for the crazy dont quit award. We start in colombia. I think you guys could probably guess why this woman is on the heck. You my uber . Shes saying get out, get out because allegedly her boyfriend is driving the car and hes not alone. Theres another lady in there. Shes so mad shes liable to flip that bad boy over there, roar its so small, she probably could. She stands up on the car and starts beating the windshield with her foot. She is able to get that thing to cave in but it doesnt shatter. She jumps back up on the hood. He starts moving. Once shes off the hood, he speeds off shes not done. According to reports she jumps on one of these scooters and goes after him. Wow she took this to a whole new level. She sure did. We jump from colombia to england. Its obvious whats about to happen here. Somebodys got a big tool and aiming at his neighbors cctv camera. Thats the real tool there. He put up the cameras because of this neighbor. He alleges he saw him flow g