"The House on Linardi Street," an original play written by senior theatre major Juleanna Green, follows five siblings on a lake house weekend as they debate their inheritance, relive childhood
Shopper Blog: Comics characters and a rethinking of Easter
The Knoxville News-Sentinel 1 hr ago Knoxville News Sentinel
John Tirro, Shopper News
I’ve been watching WandaVision, in Connecticut, in the last days of my dad’s decline. It’s comforting to me.
Wanda and Vision are comic book characters from my childhood, so it pleases my inner 12-year-old. They’re also movie characters that I enjoyed with my sons when they were 12, and the whole comic book thing ties back to a box of Classics Comic Books from my dad’s childhood, that he gave me early on, which formed a lot of my love of reading (my go-to self-soothing activity) and probably relates to my love of scripture as well. So that’s a lot.