the president knows it s not going to pass. the polls say that americans want increased taxes on the wealthy. all the polls say that if he can convince people that the republicans are stopping job creation, he might have a campaign issue. now, you can t really be serious. the no spin zone can t be saying that barack obama is going to run away from his record. that he is going to try to make this a referendum on the fact that republics i will tell you bill, the day before michigan mcconnell wanted to bring it up for a vote in the senate. guess who stopped that. the democrats. harry reid. eric cantor says there are some things in here that we can work with him on. i think very reasonably said let s pick those things out of the bill and work on those. the president wants to use this as a campaign weapon and is he going around the country. train trip or a bus trip next week. bill: will it work? bill, has been doing this
but there are a lot of things to criticize about his leader shup during that period. the big dig as a campaign weapon doesn t seem to be the most potent weapon you might use. i want to, steve, politico, mike allen and jim van dehigh writing today about the president s problems of late. beau, not romney is the one with the muddled message and often comes across as baldly political and facing blowback from his own party on the central issue of the campaign so far, romney s history with baip and obama not romney is the one falling behind in fund-raising. when we re talking about health care, we have the supreme court decision going to be handed down. all this discussion about the president and the affordable care act is thrown into a hornet s nest depending on the decision. mark suggests the possibility of romney talking more about the health care accomplishment in massachusetts. i would be interested to see how he could say that and an square that with everything he s had to say in t
the president knows it s not going to pass. the polls say that americans want increased taxes on the wealthy. all the polls say that if he can convince people that the republicans are stopping job creation, he might have a campaign issue. now, you can t really be serious. the no spin zone can t be saying that barack obama is going to run away from his record. that he is going to try to make this a referendum on the fact that republics i will tell you bill, the day before michigan mcconnell wanted to bring it up for a vote in the senate. guess who stopped that. the democrats. harry reid. eric cantor says there are some things in here that we can work with him on. i think very reasonably said let s pick those things out of the bill and work on those. the president wants to use this as a campaign weapon and is he going around the country. train trip or a bus trip next week. bill: will it work? bill, has been doing this
the president knows it s not going to pass. the polls say that americans want increased taxes on the wealthy. all the polls say that if he can convince people that the republicans are stopping job creation, he might have a campaign issue. now, you can t really be serious. the no spin zone can t be saying that barack obama is going to run away from his record. that he is going to try to make this a referendum on the fact that republics i will tell you bill, the day before michigan mcconnell wanted to bring it up for a vote in the senate. guess who stopped that. the democrats. harry reid. eric cantor says there are some things in here that we can work with him on. i think very reasonably said let s pick those things out of the bill and work on those. the president wants to use this as a campaign weapon and is he going around the country. train trip or a bus trip next week. bill: will it work? bill, has been doing this
to talk about as a separate matter. the president s position has not changed at all since january. he has also said that anybody that wants to [ inaudible ] i m not going to characterize what would be in or out of a deal. in the next hour, the president meets with house democratic leader nancy pelosi in the oval osts, who is not exactly enthusiastic about the developing plan. both party lose a weapon if this deal goes through, republicans lose the threat of tax hikes and ballooning deficit and spending and democrats lose the campaign weapon of medicare. when asked recently how house democrats win bokback the house, pelosi had a three-word mantra, medicare medicare medicare. new numbers we ve crunched from our poll archives show why. in our merged data for polls all of our polls conducted in the first half of this year, about 4800 total interviews, republicans we have found are losing ground among seniors. last year in our polling democrats had just a two-point