Completed by: Sam Peters
(name) (date)
Are you the Candidate or Campaign Manager? Yes
Name of Incumbent: Steven Horsford
Name of Your Campaign: Committee to Elect Sam Peters
Mailing Address: PO BOX 752555 LAS VEGAS, NV 89136
Federal Candidates for US Congress and Senate!
In 2016, our national organization ALIPAC and a strong majority of American citizens want one important question answered regarding the issues of illegal immigration, border security, and the protection of American jobs, taxpayer resources, and lives from people who would come into our nation to take each in many cases.
As a candidate for election or reelection do you.
A. Support Americans and legal immigrants by supporting the adequate
In 2014, we need to throw as many illegal immigrant amnesty supporters out of office as possible while electing Americans who favor enforcing our border and immigration laws instead!