"Preservation is an attractive attribute for visitors to Buffalo, but should not be the holy grail that can hinder any development," University District Council Member Rasheed Wyatt told The News.
In our weekly “Producers’ Picks” episode we bring you highlights of recent important interviews with: Jerome Wright, NYS HALT Solitary campaign on a NYS study that shows disproportionately harsh discipline of people of color in prisons, Rev. Denise Walden Glenn and Tyrell Ford from VOICE Buffalo on criminal justice and re-entry issues, Teresa Watson and Sarah Frasier from PUSH Buffalo on housing issues in Buffalo and the push for a tenant's Bill of Rights, and Tim Tielman, from The Campaign for Greater Buffalo History, Architecture & Culture looks at the rise and fall of Jefferson Avenue as a business district.
The court ruled in favor of preservationists and reinstated the petition and restraining order preventing demolition. Further court proceedings are expected.