I have my name tag here. I am a public employee. I am a union delegate for government employees. I am also the director of Public Relations for california for the grand jury for the San Francisco chapter. I have been coming to you at the commissions with other government employees, many times. In 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. The last time i was here was november 15, 2019, which is last month. I came before you demanding as a commission to investigate corruption within the commission department. Between april 2017 to july 2017, six Public Employees reported bribery, extortion and retaliation with the Ethics Commission department, but no record was found, and they never got back to us. I was one of the eight candidates for mayor, june 2018 election. I just finished my mayor run for the november election. I was one of the six mayor candidates for the last months election. I was bullied by democrats and Democratic Leaders from city hall and from different departments and different leadership
Consumer prices beat forecasts. Shery shinzo abe faces yearend pressure. His popularity is sinking to its lowest in more than a year. Japan is coming online alongside the south korea as well. Lets get straight to the Market Action with sophie. Sophie. Sophie we are in the final stretch of 2019. Japanese stocks did manage to pull through on thursday. The topix with an eight day drop. The topix hitting ground along with the nikkei 225. Today, stocks are trading exdividend today. Lets check in on the open in seoul. We are seeing downside moves for the kospi. We will see what the index can crack 2200 points. Switching it now to check in on the mood in sydney, the asx 200 gaining some ground with gold miners among the biggest advancers. Resolute leading the pack, jumping 7. 5 percent earlier with spot gold on course for the best year since 2010. Jumping into the terminal, that momentum could make for a solid 2020 for gold as traders make attempts to carve out a higher trading range after bu
Take roll call. Commissioner lee is absent today. Agenda item number 2, Public Comment on those items not appearing on the agenda. Good afternoon. Thank you, commissioners. My name is ellen. I have my name tag here. I am a public employee. I am a union delegate for government employees. I am also the director of Public Relations for california for the grand jury for the San Francisco chapter. I have been coming to you at the commissions with other government employees, many times. In 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. The last time i was here was november 15, 2019, which is last month. I came before you demanding as a commission to investigate corruption within the commission department. Between april 2017 to july 2017, six Public Employees reported bribery, extortion and retaliation with the Ethics Commission department, but no record was found, and they never got back to us. I was one of the eight candidates for mayor, june 2018 election. I just finished my mayor run for the november electio
Government employees. I am also the director of Public Relations for california for the grand jury for the San Francisco chapter. I have been coming to you at the commissions with other government employees, many times. In 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. The last time i was here was november 15, 2019, which is last month. I came before you demanding as a commission to investigate corruption within the commission department. Between april 2017 to july 2017, six Public Employees reported bribery, extortion and retaliation with the Ethics Commission department, but no record was found, and they never got back to us. I was one of the eight candidates for mayor, june 2018 election. I just finished my mayor run for the november election. I was one of the six mayor candidates for the last months election. I was bullied by democrats and Democratic Leaders from city hall and from different departments and different leaderships from different communities. Many of my billboards and posters were illega
I am a union delegate for government employees. I am also the director of Public Relations for california for the grand jury for the San Francisco chapter. I have been coming to you at the commissions with other government employees, many times. In 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. The last time i was here was november 15, 2019, which is last month. I came before you demanding as a commission to investigate corruption within the commission department. Between april 2017 to july 2017, six Public Employees reported bribery, extortion and retaliation with the Ethics Commission department, but no record was found, and they never got back to us. I was one of the eight candidates for mayor, june 2018 election. I just finished my mayor run for the november election. I was one of the six mayor candidates for the last months election. I was bullied by democrats and Democratic Leaders from city hall and from different departments and different leaderships from different communities. Many of my billboar