House took up following measures as of 7:00 pm on Legislative Day 39: SB 62 Counties and Municipal Corporations; certain local ordinances or policies relating to public camping or sleeping; prohibit Substitute Ed-29th Dolezal-27th. Committee Substitute passed by vote of 99-76.
In the final sprint towards Sine Die on Wednesday, faces are beginning to look drawn and weary. But, if one listens closely, you can faintly hear, “O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,.
Georgia legislature: SB 26 teleconference access for public meetings passed, SB 45 care of students with epilepsy passed, SB 60 illegal to sell secondary recycled metals passed, SB 65 Commissioner of Insurance advisory committee establishment passed.
The end is near! And like holiday decorations in your local big box store, it seems like the end of the legislative session comes earlier each year. Thursday marked Legislative Day 38.